What is Universal Credit?
Universal Credit is a benefit payment designed to help with living costs. It’s paid monthly, and it can be paid to people on a low income or who are out of work.
Fixing real world problems
Research & Campaign
At Citizens Advice Sandwell and Walsall, we are committed to not only giving people the advice they need, but also to improving the lives of everyone in our communities.
To help us research issues further we collect real-time information on the problems that our clients, their friends and families are facing. We identify trends and then target our research and support further, looking at geographical areas, community make up, ethnicity, gender, age and disability, which support us to identify problems to campaign for positive changes that can benefit everybody, and not just people who come in to us.

Whatever your problem is, you are not alone – we are here to help, just call our adviceline, pop-in or email us and we will point you in the right direction.
It can be about your health, your money, your house, your family, your rights, immigration or anything in between.